The Logo Design Process



Every logo design project is different. As a Chicago design firm we have a set process that we use when it comes to designing a logo.  Does every graphic design firm have a process they use when designing a logo?  Not necessarily.  Having a process helps a designer keep their ideas and thoughts organized and create something truly great, at least we sure think so.  Where do you start?  The most efficient way to create a logo design is to take it step by step.  Here are some of the steps we take when our graphic designers create a logo:


When beginning a new logo design project, take the time to plan out the entire project. There are many things to ask yourself before even beginning the project such as, who is the target audience of the brand? What type of industry is the company in?  What is the brand’s current identity?  Is a new brand identity being created?  These types of questions all involve the marketing aspect of the logo.  Ensuring that you perfectly understand the company and what they are trying to achieve is essential when designing a logo.  Planning ahead is the key to success when it comes to creating a successful logo. When you are in the planning phrase of a logo design, gather images, colors, and fonts that all correspond to the brand and products that you are designing the logo for. The planning step is one of the most important in the logo design process as it creates the foundation for your finished product. 


Never start designing on your computer. Our graphic designers are always sure to take the time to draw out some preliminary concepts in a sketchbook. The sketching process is designed to get ideas out of your head and on paper.  From there, you will be able to decide which elements you like, and which ones will not be worth your time moving forward. By now you should have an idea on where you are heading with the design and an image of how you want the finished product to look. At the end of the sketching process, try to aim for at least 2 or 3 concepts that you can work with.


It is now time for the fun part. The designing portion is the step that all graphic designers love. Login to your computer and start putting your visions on screen. When designing logos, logo designers should always use software that creates vector artwork like Adobe Illustrator. All logo designs should be in vector format as explained in previous blog, Adobe Illustrator and Logo Design. The best part about working digitally on a computer is that you can make changes in a matter of seconds easily. There are no limitations when it comes to designing on screen. Always consider your design as a finished product as you move along.


Once you have finished your logo design and are happy with the results, it is time to present the finished product to your client. The graphic designers here at our Chicago design firm suggest presenting the logo to your client along with an explanation of your design. Clients definitely appreciate effort from designers and emphasizing your decisions in the process of creating their logo design will certainly impress them. Creating mockups of your logo design is also a great way to impress your client. There are many different downloadable mockups on the Internet that allow you to easily insert images into templates like business cards, banners, or even pens.

Looking for more tips on creating a logo design process?  Feel free to leave us a comment or contact us.