Logo Design Tips for Tech Companies


Tech startups & companies are some of the fastest growing segments in the business world. Think about it, every time you see a company open its doors, many of them are tech related. With all these kinds of businesses hitting the world, how does one design a logo that helps them stand out?

Let’s take a look at these 4 approaches:

  1. Imagine the company name. Many tech startups have a very specific, concrete products or services that can be turned into their name very easily. Think about businesses like SoundCloud, who provides cloud storage for music, or Lyft, who provides users with rides to places via its app. Think about the logo by considering the symbols or combo of symbols that can be used. Is the logo going to be giving clarity as to what the business offers consumers?
  2. Be creative and weird. Your logo has to have some differentiation from other brands. Take the time to consider the ways your brand can be quirky but still be clear on what you offer. Look at the Android symbol, it is a nice alien/robot but is not something you would first think of when thinking of the name “Android”. Be free and think about what looks funny, put down whatever designs you think of and then narrow it down.
  3. Draw inspiration from superheroes. Now, we should say that you do not want to rip off the logo of your favorite superhero, but drawing inspiration from them is a great place to start. Our graphic design agency has seen some great designs come from superhero inspiration, even if the final result looks minimally like the inspired logo.
  4. Be inspired by Twitter. Sometimes you can find a nice logo that is Twitter-esque and tweaked a little. Many tech startups look to Twitter for logo inspiration. A great way to accomplish this is to find a font with Twitter characteristics (something a bit rounded and technical looking). You can find the fonts for free or might have to buy a font. Of course, if you hire a logo designer then you will have access to the fonts you love via the designer.
As a Chicago graphic design agency, one of our favorite industries to design for is the tech industry. Why? Because it is constantly evolving and new guys are always arriving on the scene. If you want to have a logo that is designed by a creative marketing agency that has been tried by the tech industry, then hire Integraphix.

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