What the Color(s) in Your Logo Say About Your Company


When it comes to brand recognition, color is a major, major player in the game; one of the first things consumers think of when they remember a logo is the coloring. While the logo design itself and the meaning behind it is very important to think about, the colors you choose to go along with it need to be thought about an awful lot as well.

Bevil Conway, a neuroscientist, has focused a lot of attention on the neuroscience behind colors and how they are perceived by the brain; it is a fascinating subject, really. The effect of colors on human emotions are very intricate and far reaching, understanding this subject can be something that helps your branding efforts. When someone views a logo, product, etc. they make a judgment about it within 90 seconds, often much less than that, based on the color(s) alone (85% of consumers).

84.7% of consumers have stated that they have bought a product due to the colors of the product and/or the brand’s logo design. From this, 80% of consumers have stated that they recognize a brand based on the branding’s color scheme, that’s a powerful statistic!

The power of color extends beyond a logo as well, it impacts the performance of a product (as we’ve stated), the performance of a brand, store, website, it also impacts your advertising. For the performance of a store, website, or brand, it has been found that 52% of consumers have not returned to those due to the aesthetics of the place, such as the color choices. As for ads, ads that are printed in color are read 42% more than B&W ads.

How do people interpret colors? Well, there are different ways depending on the color, which we have covered in previous blog posts >> Color psychology part 1 & color psychology part 2. Certain colors give us excitement, while others give us calmness. Some colors make us angry, while others give us happiness.

The effect of colors on your brandingadvertising, and graphic design is very, very interesting and powerful. Does your business need branding or logo design help? Then contact Integraphix to see how we can help your business and choose colors that will help your brand.

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