The Best & Worst Logo Redesigns of 2014


Brands redesign their logos all the time. It is necessary to stay current with the times, to move away from a bad image, to establish a brand identity, etc. Of the many rebranding attempts of 2014 via logo redesigns, here are some of the best and worst that we have seen. Airbnb– This should come as no surprise that this …

Logo Design Tips for Tech Companies


Tech startups & companies are some of the fastest growing segments in the business world. Think about it, every time you see a company open its doors, many of them are tech related. With all these kinds of businesses hitting the world, how does one design a logo that helps them stand out? Let’s take a look at these 4 approaches: …

Can’t Think of a Business Name? Use This Name Generator


Thinking of a good business name is almost as hard as thinking of a child’s name; the only upside is that you can always rebrand and don’t have to worry about your business resenting you until they can move out at 18. Take the stress out of thinking of a business name for yourself and use The Hipster Business Name …

3 Logo Design Lessons to Learn From Thanksgiving


Professional logo design is a business that requires a lot of preparation and planning. You cannot have a successful logo that you design on a whim. The same thing goes for Thanksgiving dinner. A good Thanksgiving dinner requires you to plan ahead and work hard. There are quite a few things you can learn about business from Thanksgiving, even business …

Don’t Fear the Negative Space!


Negative space in a piece of graphic design work, such as a logo, can be something to be used for the better. It is a common element of any logo and many logo designers fear it, while otherlogo designers utilize it. It can be tricky. Some designers fear it because it can detract from the logo, it can add some …

A Brief Explanation of the Republican & Democrat Symbols


For many of us, we have been blasted by political ads the last month or so, especially the last week. Well, with many US senators and congressman up for reelection, they need to get their names out there and collect those swing votes so they can keep their jobs. The main two political parties that we see in the ads …

Font & Logo Design: 4 Tips for Choosing the Best Font for a Logo


So it is time for you to consider the logo for your business, or maybe it is already time for your business to consider a logo redesign because it is rebranding. As a graphic design firm in Chicago, we know it can be very difficult to choose a good font for your logo. You don’t want to be tacky or cliché but at the …

What Makes Logos Great?


Not every company has the fortune to have a logo that is great. A great logo is the product of great logo design but for some companies, they create something subpar. How do some strike gold while others go through logos faster than amateur golfers do golf balls? Well, the companies that strike gold used graphic designers who knew these …

What is Logo Development?


Every company has a logo. As anyone in marketing will tell you, a professionally designed logo is a necessity; it will be able to be so much more for your company and look much better than one designed by an amateur. A logo design is an investment into your brand identity which can help you gain more customers or clients; it …

How Tricky is Redesigning a Logo?


The logo is the central part of any company’s branding. It is what people see first, what they remember, how they identify you, and even determine what they think about your company solely by the logo. This is why your logo can’t be too intricate or hard to identify/remember because that would eliminate a huge reason for having a logo. …