Integraphix Logo Design: DeRose Financial


DeRose Financial Planning needed a logo when they wanted to rebrand their company. After all, a company without a logo is a company destined to not succeed. Your logo is your company’s first introduction to a new client or another company. Your company’s logo is how other people remember you.

Due to this, DeRose Financial Planning knew they had to choose a logo design agency that could deliver the quality logo that they needed. It also helped that our graphic design agency already had a pleasant relationship with DeRose from previous marketing and design needs.

We crafted the rose concept from the name, however, in the beginning stages of the process, the client did not want a rose to be part of the logo design. However, after many concept designs were presented, input was given, the final concept included a rose in the logo.

Does your business need a great logo design? Then email Integraphix ( and see how we can make your business stand out with a fantastic logo. 

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