How Tricky is Redesigning a Logo?


The logo is the central part of any company’s branding. It is what people see first, what they remember, how they identify you, and even determine what they think about your company solely by the logo. This is why your logo can’t be too intricate or hard to identify/remember because that would eliminate a huge reason for having a logo.

Designing a logo is often very difficult and there are few rules that will guide you along to a perfect design (there are general rules). There are lots of things to take into consideration when creating a logo; w

Even when a company releases a logo that they think looks good, the public might hate it. For instance, look at GAP‘s 2010 logo redesign. They replaced the classic 1969 logo with a modern look and no one liked it. Within weeks, they had returned back to the classic, much-beloved logo. GAP failed to do research on the status of their logo- its effectiveness, its recognition, and its popularity.

Now, companies have had success with redesigns and rebranding attempts. Look at Wendy’s. In 2012, Wendy’s with a new logo that some people did not even notice. Their former logo was a classic for sure but the new one was received well and seems to be doing the company good.

As a logo design firm, we love a good logo. We know how hard it can be to create a logo that does your company justice. Does your company need a logo or a redesign? Then contact Integraphix!

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