Font & Logo Design: 4 Tips for Choosing the Best Font for a Logo


So it is time for you to consider the logo for your business, or maybe it is already time for your business to consider a logo redesign because it is rebranding. As a graphic design firm in Chicago, we know it can be very difficult to choose a good font for your logo. You don’t want to be tacky or cliché but at the same time, you want to be more than… bleh.

What do you do? 

1. Don’t be ordinary. One of the first places people like to look for font choices is in Word or other document forming packages; while this seems like a good spot, you have to remember that everyone else with that program has the same fonts available to them. You want avoid being just another blade of grass in the field of logos. Do some exploring.

2. Try to avoid the fads. Sometimes choosing a font that is a fad or trend can be cool but you have to consider if it will still look good after that trend ends. Go for timeless. Your logo has to endure fads, styles, and fashions. If you get caught in a fad, you could be looking at hiring a graphic designer in a year or two.

3. Skip the frou-frou and frills. Fonts that are thin, dainty, fragile, and swirly can be cute but it can really limit who your consumers are and get tiresome real fast. They can also look bad in small sizes. Keep it simple, stupid (KISS).

4. Watch for spacing. The space between your letters and other logo components is as important as the space taken up by those elements. When you don’t pay attention to the space between characters (aka “kerning”), then you can have a logo with smushed letters or letters that are miles apart.

It may seem like graphic designers can be nit-picky about things but graphic design standards are based on what looks good to artists and non-artists alike. When it seems like a lot of work to remember these rules, then chat with Integraphix designers and find out how we can help your business get a logo that it deserves!

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